Hickman County Demographics

Hickman County Demographics By The Numbers

Total Population


Poverty Rate

Median Age

Number of Employees in County

Median Household Income

Median Property Value

The Economy


The economy of Hickman County, KY employs 1217 people. The economy of Hickman County, KY is specialized in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting; Manufacturing; and Construction, which employ respectively 6.92; 1.85; and 1.71 times more people than what would be expected in a location of this size. The largest industries in Hickman County, KY are Manufacturing (326), Healthcare & Social Assistance (256), and Retail trade (208), and the highest paying industries are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting ($44,779), Finance & Insurance ($36,964), and Transportation & Warehousing ($36,250).

Median household income in Hickman County, KY is $44,063. Males in Hickman County, KY have an average income that is 1.5 times higher than the average income of females, which is $37,499. The income inequality of Hickman County, KY (measured using the Gini index) is 0.495 which is higher than the national average.

Hickman County Population

Hickman County, Kentucky is rural community located in far Western Kentucky.  Hickman County, KY has a population of 4521 people with a median age of 47.3 and a median household income of $44,063.

The population of Hickman County, KY is 87.9% White, 9.2% Black, and 2.5% Hispanic.  Of the people in Hickman County, KY, 2.7% speak a non-English language, and 99% are U.S. citizens.

The median property value in Hickman County, KY is $85,000, and the homeownership rate is 80.2%. Most people in Hickman County, KY commute and the average commute time is 18.8 minutes. The average car ownership in Hickman County, KY is 2 cars per household.

Hickman County, KY is the 2nd smallest county in Kentucky and borders Carlisle County, KY; Fulton County, KY; Graves County, KY; Mississippi County, MO; Obion County, TN; and Weakley County, TN.

Population Characteristics


Hickman County has an ageing population which is characteristic of rural areas. There is a high portion of people who will be leaving the workforce and retiring soon, and a small portion of millennials. This could lead to difficulties growing the population of the city as younger generations move out of the area.

There is extremely low property and violent crime in this area, which demonstrations that this is a safe, family friendly community for families that are looking to relocate, or businesses that are looking to set up in a wholesome clean town.