Hickman County’s Falcon Academy
Hickman County is home to the unique and award-winning Falcon Academy. The Falcon Academy, which began in 2009, allows high school students to take dual credit college classes while in the high school setting. Dual credit classes are coordinated through Murray State University and West Kentucky Community and Technical College.
The Falcon Academy is the only dual credit program that pays for every class for every student and has been since its inception in 2009. This is made possible through donations from the Four Rivers Scholarship Program and 64 individuals who give so graciously so that every student of Hickman County High School can graduate with enough dual credit hours to begin college as a Sophomore. This saves the parents and students an average of $15,000 – $20,000 over their college career.
The Falcon Academy has become the model for the state of Kentucky’s dual credit program. Not only has the Falcon Academy set the state standard by winning the prestigious Peak Award for the state of Kentucky, its greatest impact is how it is changing the lives of students in Hickman County. Students leaving the Academy upon graduation, have the soft skills and confidence in themselves to meet any challenge ahead.
About The Hickman County School District
In partnership with and in service to our community, the mission of the Hickman County School District is to prepare every student to be a successful individual. Our 762 students not only attend core content courses, but also have rich choices for additional opportunities.
Our staff members, certified and classified, all work toward sustaining a positive learning environment with high expectations for all students. Our faculty receives extensive professional development in the areas of differentiated instruction and recognition of diverse learning styles. Hickman County is constantly in the process of analyzing school culture, plus classroom and test data, in an effort to ensure excellence.
All curricula at Hickman County Schools are aligned to the Kentucky Program of Studies and Common Core Academic Standards. Various research-based assessment programs are used in classroom instruction. Comprehensive School and District Improvement plans are revised annually. Our purpose at Hickman County Schools is to ensure that every student receives an education based on high academic standards and gets the resources needed to attain success, regardless of socio-economic status, race or gender. Our system is an equal education and employment opportunities institution. We are fully compliant with Title IX and Title I standards, as well as in requirement of Individual Education Plans for special-needs students and Individual Graduation Plans.
District Information
Enrollment is approximately 762 students in pre-school through grade 12.
Hickman County Preschool – Ages 3 & 4: 76
Hickman County Elementary Grades K – 6: 370
Hickman County High School Grades 7 – 12: 316
Superintendent of Schools
Casey Henderson
416 Waterfield Dr. Clinton, KY 42031
915 CR 1107 Arlington, KY 42021
Office – 653-2341 Home – 694-9226
Hickman County High School
Shane Bizzle, Principal
301 James H. Phillips Drive
Clinton, KY 42031
Office – 653-4044
Hickman County Elementary School
Richard Todd, Principal
416 McMorris St.
Clinton, KY 42031
Office – 653-4067
Hickman County Family Resource / Youth Service Center
Vickie Batts, Coordinator
416 McMorris Street
Clinton, KY 42031
Office – 270-653-2291
Home – 270-627-1381