Office of Emergency Management

Office of Emergency Management

Click the CodeRED logo below to sign up for our one-call alert system.

The purpose of the Hickman County Office of Emergency Management (HCOEM) is the agency responsible for the coordination of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts pertaining to major emergencies or disasters arising from natural or man-made causes. 

HCOEM Coordinates local, state, and federal resources during emergency situations and prepares local governmental agencies, business and industrial facilities, nongovernmental community organizations, and individual citizens to effectively respond to an emergency or disaster situation.   

HCOEM staff monitors all severe weather and warns the citizens of Hickman County with such conditions and alerts as well as other pertinent information that our team finds important. 

Hickman County Office of Emergency Management/Emergency Operations Center

116 South Jefferson Street
Clinton, KY 42031
Hours:  Monday -Friday 8:00AM  -4:00 PM
Phone: 270-653-4369
24/7 Dispatch Line: 270-653-5871

In Case of Emergency, Please Dial 911





Justin D. Jackson
Director of Emergency Management
Search & Rescue (SAR) Coordinator

Click on any of the links below to view additional information: 

Click HERE to view our Facebook page 

Click HERE to view current weather conditions    

Storm Ready            

NOAA Weather Radio         

Kentucky Emergency Management 

Kentucky Office of Homeland Security  

Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) are community-based organizations that assist in preparing for emergencies, particularly those concerning hazardous materials. Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by LEPCs with stakeholder participation. There is one LEPC for each of the more than 3,000 designated local emergency planning districts. The LEPC membership must include (at a minimum):

– Elected state and local officials
– Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals
– Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
– Facility representatives
– Representatives from community groups and the media 

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a product of federal legislation that was passed in the wake of the Bhopal disaster in India, where more than 2,000 people died because of an accident involving accidental release of a hazardous chemical. 

To inquiry about the next Hickman County LEPC Meeting please contact Justin D. Jackson, LEPC Chairman at 270-653-4369 or 

Contact Us

Interested in relocating your business to Hickman County?  Please let the us know what we can do to assist you.  You may reach us by phone, email or send us a message below.

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Hickman County Office of Emergency Management

Justin Jackson
116 S Jefferson Street
Clinton, KY 42031
Phone: 270-653-4369